Music is and has been an integral part of our Sunday worship services. We agree with The United Church of Canada's Statement of Faith, "A Song of Faith" which states:
"Grateful for God's loving action, We cannot keep from singing."
Our dedicated Choir members sing in our Sanctuary every Sunday to express their faith, and lead the congregati
Music is and has been an integral part of our Sunday worship services. We agree with The United Church of Canada's Statement of Faith, "A Song of Faith" which states:
"Grateful for God's loving action, We cannot keep from singing."
Our dedicated Choir members sing in our Sanctuary every Sunday to express their faith, and lead the congregation in praise and prayer through music.
A Worship and Music Committee meets during the year to review, plan and make recommendations for all aspects of our worship services.
In June 2017, our Choir, Voices United in Praise, Young Singers, and Children's Voices sang in celebration of our 179th Anniversary as a church in north Oshawa. They also joined voices at Easter, Welcome Back Sunday, and Christmas.
Special music for the liturgical seasons complements our Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving, All Souls, Remembrance, Advent, and Christmas Sunday and Eve services. Summer services commence with a Hymn Sing of favourite hymns identified by the congregation.
We are thankful for the instruments donated by our members over the years: a 5 foot Yamaha Baby Grand Piano, a 2 Manual Conn Organ, and a Yamaha Clavinova in our Sanctuary.
A Samick piano in our Lower Hall accompanies the delightful singing of our children during Sunday School. Children’s Voices also sing in the Sanctuary during the year, and perform their pageant “The First Christmas” on Christmas Sunday. Carols are included for the congregation during the pageant and the children sing solos and duets and have an opportunity to play the piano. The stained glass window "Jesus the Good Shepherd" is reflected on the music rest of the Yamaha Baby Grand Piano donated by Bonnie and Blake Grundy. The Yamaha Baby Grand Piano is a generous gift from Bonnie and Blake Grundy, dedicated in March 2017. It is an inspiration to all who have the opportunity to play this instrument and fill our Sanctuary with glorious sound.
We are blessed with marvelous acoustics in our Sanctuary which enhance the sound of our blended voices, and we are inspired by beautiful stained glass windows honouring members and families who have worshipped at Kedron.
Our Choir has participated in Massed United Church Choirs. In October 2017, at Simcoe Street United Church for the Celebration of 200 years of Methodism in Durham, and every April for Spring Sing at Northminster United Church.
Kedron United Church was home to two wonderful community choirs: The Notables and Nuance Vocal Ensemble who rehearsed in our Sanctuary, and performed concerts during the Christmas season and in the Spring. In June 2016, The Notables retired; and Nuance is currently on hiatus. In June, Kedron has hosted the Recital for the Grade 10 Performing Arts students from O’Neill Collegiate, many who sing their first solo in our Sanctuary.
The long tradition of sharing our Sanctuary and expressing our faith through music continues.
Barbara Clarke, Music Director, February 2018
2025 Calendar of Events:
Ongoing adult education,
follow this link:
January 5th - Epiphany
February - Black History Month
February 7th - Family Games Night @ 7pm
March 4th - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 5pm - 7pm
March 4th - Ash Wednesday
in person service @ 7 pm
March 5th - Ash Wednesday
March 16th - Annual Cong
2025 Calendar of Events:
Ongoing adult education,
follow this link:
January 5th - Epiphany
February - Black History Month
February 7th - Family Games Night @ 7pm
March 4th - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 5pm - 7pm
March 4th - Ash Wednesday
in person service @ 7 pm
March 5th - Ash Wednesday
March 16th - Annual Congregational Meeting & Potluck Lunch
April 12th - Spring Buffet
April 13th - Palm Sunday
April 17th - Maundy Thursday
April 18th - Good Friday @ 10am
April 20th - Easter Sunday Communion Service
May 4th - Music Concert by Dan Clancy
May 11th - Mother's Day
June 8th - Pentecost Communion Service
June 8th - 187th Anniversary Sunday
June 15th- Fathers Day
June 15th - Indigenous Day of Prayer
July 1st - Canada Day
August 17th - Children's Summer Fun Day
September 1st - Labour Day
September 14th - Welcome Back Service & Lunch
October 5th - World Wide Communion Day
October 12th - Thanksgiving Service
October 18th - Fall Fundraising Dinner
October 19th-24th - Online Auction
November 1st - All Soul's Day
November 9th- Remembrance Day Service
November 11th - Remembrance Day
November 30th - 1st Sunday of Advent/Communion Service
December 11th - Tinsel & Tears @ 7pm
December 14th - Children's Christmas Pageant and Lunch
December 24th - Christmas Eve Services
Family Service @ 4pm
Communion Service @ 7pm
December 25th - Christmas Day
December 31st - New Year's Eve
Our Church Services
are available to view live on Facebook
and on our website
Kedron United Church offers a setting for your wedding that is both intimate and beautiful in its simplicity. We seat 150 people and can offer either piano or organ music to accompany your wedding.
Kedron United Church welcomes you and agrees to provide Wedding Ceremonies for people within it’s membership and also for people beyond it’s me
Kedron United Church offers a setting for your wedding that is both intimate and beautiful in its simplicity. We seat 150 people and can offer either piano or organ music to accompany your wedding.
Kedron United Church welcomes you and agrees to provide Wedding Ceremonies for people within it’s membership and also for people beyond it’s membership. Kedron is a supporter of equal marriage, and Kedron is accessible for all people. We also have onsite parking available for your guests.
If you wish to have a clergy person officiate other than the minister of Kedron, it must be approved first by Kedron's Minister.
If you decide Kedron is the place for your wedding, our minister will meet with you to discuss the service and explain what happens at the rehearsal.
Kedron's organist is available to play traditional music at all weddings utilizing Kedron's sanctuary.
For more information please see Rentals.
For Wedding bookings and availability please contact: Lynda Trevail
or (905) 728-5790
Minister: Rev. Stephanie Richmond
Administrative Assistant: Wendy Kennedy
Music Director: Andrew Ball